The cast of Beaucoup Pop is back, bringing you everything you need to know about whats going on in the pop culture world...and maybe some things that you didn't need to know, BUT WE GIVE IT TO YOU ANYWAY!!!

Welcome back Poppers! Hope you have a fantastic holiday and you're ready to plow into the new year...the Last Year...THE END OF THE WORLD!! We do some much needed catching up (Matt is back after a month of being absent) and we talk about our New Year's Goals. Could starting a llama farm be one of them? You'll need to listen to find out.
We also talk a little more in detail about the current "Uh Oh!" situation the Beaucoup Pop gang are in. You've probably seen our prior "
Help Save Beaucoup Pop" post, that the four of us are in a bit of a pickle. As of right now, at the end of January, we are losing access to our recording equipment. In order for Beaucoup Pop to carry on
we need to raise quite a bit of money to replace what we are going to lose. The BCP team plans to contribute what we can, but need help from our AMAZING listeners!! We enjoy bringing you, the listener, your weekly doses of geekery and we want that to continue. Please give what you can to help our show.