Hey there Poppers!! Guess what. We are just under a week away from one of the coolest conventions EVER, right here in our backyard! That's right, next weekend Lexington Comic and Toy convention will be under way. Are you excited? WE'RE EXCITED! I am here, pumped up and ready to go, to give all of you lovely people a layout of what to expect from us, Beaucoup Pop, the official podcast of said convention.
As you may have heard on our episodes, or seen in random areas throughout the forest of social media, this convention is marking the first ever panel that we are going to be a part of. The four of of us - Tressa, Kerry, Justin, and Matt - are going to be joined by our fabulous friend Natasha, front runner of
Kentucky Geek Girl, for our panel
The Culture of Pop. Natasha will be spearheading the conversation, because she's just so darn good at it (and let's face it, someone has to run this train and keep us focused, because lord knows we can't do that very successfully half the time). As the title suggests, were going to be doing a run down of things related to pop culture, much like we all focus on in our respective podcasts and websites. We are also going to talk a lot about the logistics of running these kinds of things. Have you ever been curious how something like a podcast comes into being? This is going to be the perfect place to get those questions answered. This is also the best place to come to hear us reveal the magic behind it all (because shockingly enough, Tressa is not a wizard ninja, she just has the maddest of skillz). This sweet panel of awesomeness will be taking place this coming Saturday, March 16th. Join us at 12:00pm in Elkhorn Room B, and bring questions!! We want to meet all of you and become bestest of friends! :-D
That is not all, however!
For the rest of the weekend, much like we did last year, we do have a table that will be set up in the main hall to represent the podcast. Our table number is 609 (see below for a layout map to see exactly where we'll be camped out at). Stop by the table to say hi to me and Matt, and participate in our freaking sweet raffle. Wait. Did I just say raffle? Um, heck yes I did! Who doesn't love a good raffle? That's right, everyone loves raffles. Come over and take a gander of the amazing stuff we'll have up that you can win. Of course, we're not leaving everything up to mystery. Here's a sneak peek to a couple of items that you can win at said raffle:

Rob Duenas sassy prints? Um, yes please! Color me jealous. ;) Tickets are gonna be 1 for $2, 3 for $5, or 10 for $10. Everything made is going towards the podcast so we can keep up with our equipment and website host to ensure we can keep getting out beautiful episodes to all of you every week. So please come say hi, introduce yourselves, and hang out! Our table is right next to Tressa and Justin's respective tables, where they will be making gorgeous art all weekend. Be sure to pester them too! ;)
Here's our table location at @lex_con! We be having spitball fights with Jason David Frank and Karan Ashley all weekend! |
That's pretty much it. We've got a lot in store for this weekend. We are all really looking forward to all the cool stuff LCTC is going to be bringing for its second year. Come down, say hi, meet some amazing people, and celebrate being nerdy!
Kerry out.

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