The cast of Beaucoup Pop is back, bringing you everything you need to know about whats going on in the pop culture world...and maybe some things that you didn't need to know, BUT WE GIVE IT TO YOU ANYWAY!!!

That's right listeners, our episode this week is too awesome to contain in one episode!!! We're diving into the subject of innovations in the world of gaming. First up is part one, where we had the pleasure of talking to Pascal Langdale, the actor who brought Ethan Mars to life in Heavy Rain. We discuss his experience working on the award winning game and get his perspective on the current direction of the video game industry.

We also discuss Motives in Movement, a consulting company founded by the Heavy Rain actor. The company works with capture based media, like video games, to help them find efficient ways to improve the dramatic content within their projects. Check out for more information.

Check out the episode here:
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Show Notes & Links:
DC's NEW 52 NUMBER 1's for 09/14/11:
Hey Poppers! Collectibles Etc has 20 random trades (mentioned on an episode of B.P.) with special flyers in them. If you buy one of these trades, you'll win a free sketch card by either Justin Stewart or Tressa Bowling!!
The first annual Lexington Comic & Toy Convention is taking Lexington by storm March 24, 2012, with a huge selection of vendors and exhibitor. Comics - Vintage & New Toys - Magazines - Gaming - Horror - Anime - Film/Movies - Art - Music - Much Much More!!
The convention is open from 10am-5pm and adult admission is to be announced - Kids under 10 are FREE!
Aside from vendors of almost any type of comics, toys, and games they plan to have artists, publishers, celebrities & media personalities, panels, door prizes and a $300 cash grand prize costume contest!
If you are interested in being a vendor, exhibitor or guest please click here!

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