I didn't always love to read. There was a time when books were like Kryptonite to pre-high school Chris. Thankfully I matured (somewhat) and reading has become one of my favorite things to do. There is nothing like a good novel. But with an ever increasing stack of comics on my nightstand and a DVR that never seems to be empty, it has been difficult finding the time to crack one open. Nonetheless, I am always on the lookout for a good read.
A few months ago I came across a
blog post by Jerry Holkins over at Penny Arcade where he mentioned a book he finished and really enjoyed called
His Majesty's Dragon
by Naomi Novik. Let's just say he had me at dragon and I immediately jumped over to the author's
website to find out more. I learned that this was the first in a series of books about to see the release of its seventh installment. Dubbed the Temeraire series, based on the name of the book's main character, the novels are a mixture of fantasy and alternate history.
The events take place during the Napoleonic War and are written from the perspective of the British. Although the books deal with real events, and many of the characters are historical figures, there is one slight alteration. In Novik's universe, in addition to having ground troops and naval forces, both the French and the British have an air force comprised of dragons manned by a crew of aviators. Essentially each dragon wears an elaborate harness that holds a crew and supplies. There is a captain, a first lieutenant, a medical officer and then soldiers manning guns and bombs. The dragons can speak and are often times extremely intelligent, although their intelligence varies depending on how seriously their aviators take their education. It's one of those ideas that is so perfect I was amazed that no one thought of it sooner, but I'm glad someone did because the books are amazing.